Talismans for happiness with his own hands

To success in any field, requires strength, ambition, Motivation and perhaps a bit of magic. Quickly the fortunes turn to him to help with the help of the mascot a lot of fun, and to gain financial support, but also protect the wearer from negative influences. Important is only the belief in its magical power and persevere to the goal.

Lucky charm luck

Rules for dealing with the mascot

Before you create a suitable mascot, you need to money a pleasant atmosphere. For this, first and foremost, you need to order in your wallet. It should not be bodies of the crumpled bills and debt. To remove the photos, used Tickets, flyers, and other things, and bills neatly folded. A good way to show the readiness for the adoption of wealth — to buy a new Wallet in red, green, Gold or blue.

Magical things do not tolerate neglect, and personal Talisman should be treated with respect. Choose one that is the soul. In the role of a mascot can act what you want: a coin out of your trip, the red thread, marbles, spoons, horseshoes, or a memorable thing. Matching amulet you can buy in a store. But the greatest power has the mascot of money on their hands.

The amulet should not show to others, and got unnecessarily. After the purchase, you need to speak with the mascot, about your goals, ask for help, to hold in their hands and shared in the space. Magical attributes you can carry in your pocket, handbag or in the vicinity of the body. But the symbols on the hair dryer-shuj is necessary for activation in a particular sector.

A good way to have a substantive condition — plant a tree with roundish leaves. This is a Ficus, or well-known "lucky chestnut can". To care for the plant and treated with respect. The strengthening of the influx of finances to help a couple of Chinese coins under the bottom of the pot.

Maneki Neko is a popular amulet for good luck in the work. You put the figure of the cat on the table, so that she was staring outside the room. Under the Statue a saw-cut set beautiful red fabric or a similar color foam earplugs. It is believed that a raised left paw gives joy of communication, and the right attracts the luck. Universal version with both legs, and improves all areas of life. This amulet helps to move faster on the career ladder, a common language with colleagues, will be able to beat your ideas to the authorities.

Maneki neko

Slavic utensils associated with the fertility. As amulets, animal figurines, wheat-ears, a horseshoe, a picture of the sun or runes serve.

In India for attracting wealth of stones and precious use semi-precious stones red.

Lucky clover, gold coins, figure, Goblin, a small Magnet, image, ladybug, and other can bring.

Amulets with his own hands

Talisman for good luck and money with their hands, charged originally with energy owners and effective will be bought. Store-bought amulet may be the usual Souvenir, a self-made, and not necessarily in full force. But when creating a few rules must be followed.

Important conditions for the work of:

  1. Start on the growing moon or in a full moon with a good mood.
  2. All materials must personally bring into the house.
  3. In the process, visuals, included, presented to rich at the end of the money in the Hand.
  4. No doubt, in the magical powers of the mascot.

Cord on the happiness

A very simple and effective amulet for bring good luck. Depending on the color will help to solve different tasks. It is very important for weaving to buy new good threads. During the work, like dreams come true, realise the ideas, the money will flow continuously in the hands. What colors take:

  • green — wealth and new money-filled syringe;
  • red — fulfillment of their innermost desires;
  • blue — the implementation of smaller pans;
  • yellow — success and happiness.

Weave you can braid as all of the threads and of a selected color. Wear under the clothing on the left leg and not to shoot until the desired done. After the implementation of the planned thank you for the work and to burn.

A further variant of such an amulet woven from thick cords in the color you selected. It can be used as pigtail and other complex braids. Such an amulet to carry with you, as long as not all of the ideas translated, and after burning with gratitude.

As a synonym for wealth

Cash Pouch

This amulet attracts luck to the workplace, helping to start your own business or increase the profit. Flap need beautiful fabric red or turquoise color, fragrant spices: cinnamon, allspice, Bay leaf and ginger, as well as branches, pine needles, dried mint, a few coins, and Patchouli oil.

You can sew a simple bag from the selected fabric. Both colors have a positive effect on the sphere, therefore, what do you like best take. Decorate the finished product as desired or leave as is. Sachets to fill with dried herbs and spices.

Insert three coins, and dripping a couple of drops of Cash-oils (Patchouli, mint, cedar). Sew the open edge and on-the-job store. The force of such a charm is enough for a year, then he needs to be replaced.

Runic Amulets

A simple way on how to get Talisman for luck and money — take advantage of the power of the runes. The simplest variant is to wear the image of the runes on the inside of the wallet.

Mostly for the attraction of riches the use of the Symbol as a synonym for wealth, but actually signs, attractive money and happiness. Which is chosen depends on the value of the runes, and goals at a given time.

  1. As a synonym for wealth — the most powerful character, attracts money. Inevitably in life something new, improved and enhanced the existing goods. But it won't work, your owner must work tirelessly to achieve the desired.
  2. Odal — the second valuable RUNE. Responsible for material acquisition. Needed helps in obtaining the inheritance is in the case of the purchase or sale of apartments, cars and other valuable property.
  3. Iera — acts slowly and implicitly. The owner of this RUNE can suddenly occupy a large award, an inheritance, or a high Position.
  4. Dagaz — very bright RUNE, promises to be a good change in every life-aspect. Helps its owner to get out of poverty.

The right RUNE can work independently as well as a personal good luck charm. In an earthen mass drops of Patchouli oil or cinnamon, you can add a pinch of the powder from of spices. You roll the Ball and make it in the Form of coins. You bear the image of the runes and allow to dry.

Carving a wooden work-piece size of a large coin. Make sure the edges are smooth, without ridges, and add the picture RUNE as a synonym for wealth.

The finished amulet in Hand, charging her with energy, and put in the secret compartment of the purse.

The Payout


Winning the lottery helps the normal black pepper and a nice bag. Sew the last you can buy by yourself or in the Shop for hand work. On a normal sheet of paper, write the desired amount, roll into a tube and put in the bag. Pour the seeds inside allspice and bind. The finished amulet with the left Hand, presents the resulting profits, and leave overnight in the light of the moon. Not to forget they go for the purchase of lottery ticket, the bag with themselves and believe that it will bring happiness.

Another way to the lottery or cards. Need to shells, coins, glass-bottle, an orange and a piece of cinnamon sticks. All the ingredients are folded into the container and say: "My happiness, my victory! Fortuna came out, the Problem is gone!". Keep bottle a night under the light of the moon and hide in a secluded place.

A very effective amulet for winning card from a new Deck. In the intention of the game or for the purchase of lottery Tickets in advance of a new card buy the game. From him ten of diamonds and dripping a few drops of oil of Patchouli.

Feast amulet with the words: "a dozen in the bag, Fortuna with me, I beg, give me a big profit."

For fast result achievement, optionally, all of the proposed options apply. Simply choose one of the believe the greatest resonance in the soul, sincere in his power, and thank you for the work. Then a lot of happiness and prosperity never away from his owner.